Did you know that hundreds of amazing RV events and rallies happen in the U.S. every year? And good news: you’re invited to all of them.
Congratulations! They include RV seminars with some of the biggest brands in the industry like, Escapees, Cruise America, Dometic, Good Sam, RV Country, and more.
They’re not all commercial though, some were established just to provide RV owners with an excuse to get together and have fun.
When I bought my first RV in early 2020, there’s one thing I didn’t expect to find—community.
That’s one of the great things that RV events and rallies provide: a chance to immerse yourself in that community.
You’ll meet people, learn about your RV at educational seminars, and discover new equipment and accessories to help make your RV life better.
Don’t have an RV? Don’t bother going… Just kidding! Many prospective buyers attend these events and rallies to nail down which RV is right for them.
And since they often include live music, games, and other fun activities, it’s really an amazing experience for anyone.
Want to know which one to attend? Perfect! We’ve included 20 RV events and rallies we think you’ll love. Let’s get started:
1. Hershey RV Show

Why should you go?
If you’re going to attend your first RV event why not the largest? That’s the Hershey RV Show, supposedly bigger than 33 football fields, in Hershey, Pennsylvania.
The event may lack in the entertainment department when compared to the other RV events on this list, but it makes up for it everywhere else.
At no other event will you find such a massive number of RVs on display, over 1,400 actually—but who’s counting? As a buyer you can shop and compare RV prices here, better than anywhere else.
Already an owner? Booths around the event also display the latest upgrades, vacation destinations, campgrounds, accessories, and other related products. Sometimes bigger really is better.
When? September 15-19
Where?550 Hersheypark Dr, Hershey, PA 17033
How much? Kids: Free, Adults: $10 – Buy tickets HERE
For more information visit the Hershey RV show website.
2. Xscapers Annual Event

Why should you go?
If Hershey RV Show is the astute College of RVs than Xscapers Annual Event is the crazy frat house next door. Xscapers proudly announces:
“This isn’t your Grandma’s RV rally”. Don’t be discouraged though Grandmas, you’re still invited, it’s just that, this event ain’t an event for the faint of heart.
Sure, you still get the suits and seminars during the day, but at night the event turns into an alcohol fueled music party.
Participate in one of the themed nights: 80s, tiki, and neon. Or compete in the Guacamole or Margarita Throwdown, where you pit your recipes against other attendees. This is one RV event hangover you won’t regret.
When? January 11-19th
Where? Lake Havasu, AZ
How much? $250 and up (full rates on their website)
You can find out more about Xscaper’s events by visiting their Events page.
3. Skooliepalooza

Why should you go?
Where do school buses go during winter break? If they’re cool, they go to Skooliepalooza.
And fortunately, it’s an event for more than just skoolies—all recreational vehicles are invited! If you’re looking for a more intimate opportunity to meet fellow RVers this is your event.
Hosted on BLM land in Arizona Skooliepalooza still provides a lot of the same activities as other RV events.
You’ll find the seminars, potlucks, and dances, but on a much smaller scale.
If you feel like you’re just another face in the crowd at one of the other RV events on this list than consider Skooliepalooza. It feels more like a family reunion than an RV event.
When? February 1st-10th
Where? BLM land in Quartzsite Desert
How much? FREE
You can find out more about Skooliepalooza by visiting the event’s website.
4. RVillage’s Spirit of the Road Rally

Why should you go?
It’s always nice to have an excuse to visit Florida. Well, now you do! The Spirit of the Road Rally begins at a beautiful park in Live Oak, FL.
It features master classes with RV aficionados and guest appearances from popular, RV-life influencers.
The area features plenty of opportunities to shop, and many attendees kayak the nearby river.
Giant flaming sculptures, dubbed “Firebirds”, provide warmth and light at night. A good thing, since the event also prides itself in it’s live music performances and dancing.
Get a preview of what you’ll be experiencing in the event’s short video trailer.
When? February 12th – 16th
Where?Spirit of the Suwannee Music Park, 3076 95th Dr, Live Oak, FL 32060, USA
How much? $39.99 and up
You can find out more about Spirit of the Road’s event by visiting their website.
5. Alumapalooza

Why should you go?
This event caters mostly to Airstream owners, but all RV owners are invited.
It’s split into three tents: the main tent for educational seminars, the registration tent for vendors (and uh, registration, of course), and the activities tent for yoga and small group meetings.
There’s also star-gazing, hands-on workshops, and open-air grilling.
As a new buyer, it’s an opportunity to decide if you want to purchase an Airstream. And as a current RV-er it’s your opportunity to have a good time and meet new people.
When? September 3rd – 12th
Where?Airstream, Inc. HQ – Touring Coach Plant
How much? Starting at $515 for two people
You can find out more about Alumapalooza by visiting their website.
6. Loners on Wheels Meet-ups

Why you should go?
The road can be a lonely place, especially if you’re—well… alone. Fear not though, Loners on Wheels (LoW) has you covered.
LoW is an RV club with chapters in most states, and even Mexico. They cater to single men and women traveling the country in RVs and searching for friendship and community.
The club isn’t age restrictive, but caters mostly to seniors. So, if you’re a younger person expecting to find an Xscaper’s level rave with single hotties your age—stop.
You won’t. You’ll find a circle of fold-out chairs, a swapping of road-war stories, and a group of people giving a loving community to a bunch of loners.
When? Monthly; specific dates vary by chapter
Where? A chapter in almost every state in the U.S.
How much? 1-year Membership – $47
You can find out more about Loners on Wheels’ events by visiting their website.
7. RVing Women Convention

Why should you go?
It’s 2021 people. Women are empowered, and with great power, comes great RV events.
RVing Women arose in 1991 to create a community and support system for women traveling independently in RVs—they’re the only international RV club for women in existence.
In order to join you need to be 18 years of age or older, and obviously, a woman. So, no boys allowed, sorry guys.
That doesn’t mean you need to be a solo female traveler in order to join though. Women traveling in pairs or even small groups can join too.
Every year their 2000 members hold a national convention somewhere in the United States. The location changes every year so don’t miss it!
When? Monthly; specific dates vary by chapter
Where? A chapter in almost every state in the U.S.
How much? 1-year Membership – $62
You can find out more about RVing Women events by visiting their website.
8. Quartzsite Big Tent Show

Why you should go?
The RV Hershey Show might be the largest RV show by size but, by number of attendees, The Quartzsite Big Tent Show has it beat.
An estimated one million RV-ers attend this event every year. They turn the quiet desert town of Quartzsite into a bustling RV paradise.
This is where you go to see the biggest brands in the industry like, Dometic, Battle Born, RV Country, and more, ply their trade.
You’ll find seminars teaching you how to switch to solar, where to buy an electronic lift for your wheelchair, or presentations on excellent travel destinations.
The event does not provide overnight parking, and thus, no nighttime revelry.
Instead, RV owners drive a short distance to the nearby BLM land for camping and fun independent of the event.
When? January 22nd – 23rd
Where? 700 S Central Blvd, Quartzsite, AZ 85346
How much? FREE
You can find out more about Quartzsite Big Tent Show by visiting their website.
9. Escapees Escapade

Why you should go?
This event is great because it’s for EVERYONE. Escapees has something for kids, seniors, part-timers, full-timers, solo travelers, and families!
Their seminars include representatives from big brands like Dometic, Battle Born, and RV Country, and their patented RV-ers Bootcamp teaches even the greenest of the green.
If you’re visiting for the fun, then check out ‘Kidscapade’ which has tons of fun activities planned for kids and families, or immerse yourself in their delicious food vendors, nationally acclaimed live music, and photography contest.
Boredom dies at Escapees Escapade. Check out the event’s video trailer to get a preview.
When? July 18th – 23rd
Where? 3320 Yellowstone RD Rock Springs, Wyoming 82901
How much? Starts at $250
You can find out more about Escapees Escapade by visiting their website.
10. FROG International Rally

Why you should go?
We’re not talking about the little, amphibious fellas, we’re talking RVs.
FROG stands for Forest River Owners Group, and caters to RV owners that own Forest River RVs or one of their affiliate brands.
Fortunately, you can own any type of RV to attend. This smaller rally, is perfect for the introverted nomad that still wants to learn about their RV and new products, while having a good time. It even includes an optional tour of the local Amish village!
When? August 15th – 21st
Where?17746 County Rd 34, Goshen, IN 46528
How much? TBA
You can find out more about the FROG International Rally by visiting their website.
11. RV Buyers Bootcamp

Why should you go?
You’ve decided to make one of the most expensive purchases of your life—an RV.
There’s so many brands and dealers it can be an intimidating market to navigate. Are you sweating yet? Well, perspire no more! Just attend RV Buyers Bootcamp.
Their quick, one-day course will teach you a number of important lessons, including: choosing your RV, the buying process, the delivery process, and tips for hitting the road. Check out their video announcement for more information.
When? January 11th
Where? Tampa, FL
How much? $99
You can find out more about RV Buyer’s Bootcamp by visiting their website.
12. Elite Restoration Bootcamp

Why should you go?
Many of us see an old beat-up RV, and see the opportunity to restore it to it’s former glory. Except, if you’re like me, you don’t know how.
That’s okay! Attend Vintage Trailers Elite Bootcamp. This 7-day training event teaches you how to restore a vintage RV through intensive classroom courses and hands-on demonstrations.
It’s also a great way to meet fellow restorers and RV owners. Join the vintage community today!
When? August 12th – 15th
Where?10021 Pacheco Pass Hwy, Hollister, CA 95023
How much? Starting at $219 per participant (full prices HERE)
You can find out more about Elite Restoration Bootcamp by visiting their website.
13. Rubber Tramp Rendezvous

Why should you go?
Bob Wells, the President of Rubber Tramp Rendezvous (RTR), started the event to re-capture the essence of the Mountain Men Rendezvous in the 1800’s.
Mountain Men, normally rugged loners in their community, would meet once a year to reinforce a sense of community and friendship with one another.
RTR seeks that same goal. New York Times referred to the event as a Burning Man for retirees, but in recent years, the younger crowd has started showing up too.
Why Burning Man though? Well, the main message of the event is anti-consumerism and a creed of radical simplicity.
The event isn’t all anarchy though. They still provide seminars on RV life, campfire talks to welcome you into this growing and fascinating community, and even a talent show.
When? January 18th – 27th
Where?21600 Hillside Drive, Parker, AZ 85344
How much? $5 Donation
You can find out more about the Rubber Tramp Rendezvous by visiting their website.
14. Family Motor Coach Association (FMCA) Convention

Why should you go?
The FMCA Convention is similar to the Quartzsite Big Tent Show and The Hershey RV Show, in that it emphasizes educational seminars and marketing products related to RVs.
Furthermore, they provide the same live music and food vendors. So, makes this convention different?
Though, they’re technically separate from the convention itself, FMCA offers two important workshops to take before the big event: An RV Basics Academy on March 7-9th, and an RV Driving School on March 3rd-8th.
The former will teach you all the basics of RV ownership while the latter will give you a lesson in something that intimidates all new RV owners—driving one.
When? March 10th – 13th
Where?401 Golden Isles Pkwy, Perry, GA 31069
How much? Full Event Access & RV Camping – $225 per couple
You can find out more about the FMCA Convention by visiting their website.
15. Battle Born Get-Together

Why should you go?
A new-comer to the RV show circuit, Battle Born Get-Together, has all the qualities of a veteran RV show with a little extra spice.
As many of you probably know, Battle Born Batteries sells Lithium RV batteries.
At the event, they give a demo on their products, facilitate a panel discussion about energy for your RV, and host a VIP dinner.
The extra spice? The event also includes concerts, a tour of their plant, as well as fishing and lake visits.
When? September 10th – 13th
Where? Fallon, NV
How much? $300 and up
You can find out more about the Battle Born Get-Together by visiting their website.
16. Xscapers Alaska Cruise

Why should you go?
Want to experience an RV event without your RV?! Though it may sound a little contradictory such an event exists!
The Xscapers Alaska Cruise offers an escape for RVers who want to immerse themselves in the RV community in a new and exciting way.
Take a cruise up the Southern coast of Alaska with Royal Caribbean’s ‘Ovation of the Seas’. You’ll get to unwind from road life and meet new people while doing it.
When? August 14th – 24th
Where? Seattle, Washington
How much? $1179.99
You can find out more about the Xscapers Alaska Cruise by visiting their website.
17. Tampa Supershow

Why should you go?
Florida. Known for it’s beautiful beach weather, terrifying wildlife, and the Tampa Supershow. Oh, you haven’t heard of that last one.
Well, that ends now. The Tampa Supershow is Florida’s largest RV show and it’s nationally renowned.
Like many of the other large shows on this list, the Tampa Supershow, offers educational seminars, daily entertainment, and even trams to help you get around it’s massive venue.
Here, you’ll find the latest innovative RV products and accessories! What sets it apart from other RV shows? It’s got beautiful, year-round Florida beach weather as it’s backdrop.
When? January 19th – 23rd
Where?4800 US-301, Tampa, FL 33610
How much? TBA
You can find out more about the Tampa Supershow by visiting their website.
18. Vintage Camper Trailer Rallies

Why should you go?
Vintage Camper Trailer Rallies offers three uniquely themed and fun events for vintage RV owners.
You decorate your RV to fit the theme, join the themed potluck, and enjoy live music.
It’s an opportunity to show off your vintage RV, and even enter it into the event’s contest for a prize if you win.
If you have a newer RV (1980’s or up) you can still attend, but will be placed in a separate, but nearby, campsite.
That way, the main event can maintain it’s ‘vintage feel’. The three event themes include: Cajun, Tiki-Halloween, and Glampfest.
When? Cajun: March 25th – 28th; Tiki: TBA; Glampfest: April 21st – May 2nd
Where? Southern California
How much? Varies depending on the event.
You can find out more about the Vintage Camper Rallies by visiting their website.
19. Full-Time Families

Why should you go?
You’ve been crazy enough to take your family on the road full-time.
You deserve a community that will help support you and offer companionship while navigating this, sometimes stressful, lifestyle. Full-Time Families is the RV club for you.
They have RV events that cater to full-time road life with a family. They have helpful seminars with subjects like, ‘How to Homeschool While RVing’, ‘Saving Money on the Road’, and more.
Parenting on the road can be hard, but it’s a little easier with an entire community at your back.
When? Varies depending on the event
Where? Varies depending on the event
How much? $65 per year; or $345 for a lifetime
You can find out more about the Full-Time Families by visiting their website.
20. Type ‘Best RV Events and Rallies’ into Google to Find Local Ones

Why should you go?
You want to attend an RV event or rally without needing to cross the country to do it. No worries, we’ve got you covered on that too.
First, make sure you have your Location turned on for Google. Follow this link for helpful instructions on how to do that.
Then, go to ‘Google’, and type ‘Best RV Events and Rallies’ into the search bar. If you scroll down, you’ll see a box marked ‘events’.
Within it will be a list of RV rallies and events in your locality, and include: the event’s location, date, and a link which will help you find tickets and more information about the event.
This is great since most of these events lack a website or major brand sponsor, and thus, are otherwise difficult to find.
When? Varies
Where? Varies
How much? Varies
That wraps up our favorite RV Events and Rallies. Still don’t see one that interests you?
Check out RV Clubs comprehensive calendar of events and rallies throughout the U.S. Which ones have you attended? Tell us about them by leaving a comment below!